Wednesday, October 26, 2011

First Snow

It started snowing last night, Tuesday, October 25th, around 10 PM and continued on throughout today.  Forecast called for at least 6 inches, but it didn't really stick much.  Roads were okay this morning, but it's very cold out, and I hope they aren't icy by tonight and tomorrow morning.  Much more snow to come, I'm sure.  Hello, winter.  Oh, on another note, something cool happened to me today, kinda.  My left rear blinker went out on my automobile, and I got it replaced for free!  Actually, this has happened before.  There's a nice auto store by my work and a couple months ago, they replaced it for free.  Only difference, today I had to brave the cold, wet snow outside for about 15 minutes while it was being replaced.  Nice place, Brakes Plus on Yosemite. 

So now I'm looking forward to going home and making dinner and a new cake.  A two layer cityscape is what I have planned.  We'll see how it turns out!  Here is the idea, the preliminary blueprint...

**Update 10/27/11- Here's the cake.  Turned out okay, but I thought I could do better.  I need a new fondant roller.  I'm using a heavy, old, wooden roller that doesn't work well.  So my fondant was too thick, and my cutting tool was also too thick so I couldn't add the detail I wanted. 

Two-layers of strawberry cake with whipped milk chocolate filling, and my first batch of homemade buttercream frosting.  Didn't have any merengue powder for the frosting.  I'll put that on the list for next time, so my frosting is thick and sturdy enough for piping.

Oh, I also changed cubicles on Monday this week.  It's kinda nice having a new home.  It's like when you rearrange your furniture at home...things are new and fresh for awhile.  Anyhoo, here are my new, organized digs.

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